Local wrestlers place at AAU State Tournaments
Press Staff Report
DES MOINES — For some of the more serious wrestlers, the season really starts after the High School State Championships.
For the second-straight weekend, a bevy of the best wrestlers in the state converged at Wells Fargo Arena for the AAU Kids State Championships and the AAU Girls State Championships on Feb. 27
Charles City was represented by a formidable group of grapplers.
“We had four place-winners,” said Tyler Mitchell, who was part of the coaching staff making the trip with the Charles City wrestlers.
“We had a good showing with both our boys and girls.”
The best showing from a Charles City wrestler in the Kids State tourney was from Carter Cajthaml, who placed runner-up in the 105-pound C Grade 7-8 bracket.
“Last year, he was a state champion in a Grade 5-6 bracket,” Mitchell said of Cajthaml. “This was his first year in the older age bracket, and he did really well.”
Cajthaml wrestled as a member of the Immortals Athletics Wrestling Club, which placed second as a team at the AAU Kids State Championships.
Charles City wrestlers placing in the AAU Girls State Championships included Edie Collins, who placed fourth in the 115-pound C Grade 7-8 bracket; Paige Pickar, who placed fifth in the 95-pound C Grade 7-8 bracket; and Tegan Cavanaugh, who placed sixth in the 115-pound C Grade 7-8 bracket.
Participants for the AAU Kids State Championships needed to qualify for the tournament. Those from Charles City who qualified included Jace Cavanaugh, Blake Dean, Micah Thompson and Kolbie Vance.
Other participants from Charles City for the AAU Girls State Championships included Nya Nosbisch, Emma Schmitt, Brynlee Sullivan and Lindsey Vsetecka.
“Some of our wrestlers who didn’t place were just one win away from doing so,” said Mitchell, who coached the youths with Josh Dean, Alex Mitchell, Corey Schmidt and Jordan Smith, “and most everyone picked up a win down there.”
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