Charles City elementary students take an afternoon walk

By Travis Fischer,
Charles City students got their steps in as Washington and Lincoln Elementary participated in the Healthiest State Walk on Monday, Sept. 30.
“We wish it was a little cooler, but it’s still a beautiful day,” said Washington Principal Joe Carney.
The annual walk is part of a statewide initiative to encourage physical activity for all Iowans. This is the second year that Charles City elementary students have participated in the event, taking an hour in the afternoon to enjoy an outdoor walk.
Principal Carney credited the smooth execution of the walk to PE teacher Jeremy Wilson, who coordinated with staff at both buildings to get teachers and students out together at the right place and time. Wilson also worked with Soifer Family McDonald’s, which provided apple slices for the kids.
“Mr. Wilson planned everything out for us,” said Carney. “He is the mastermind behind this for sure.”
While elementary students have their time to be physically active in PE, Carney said he appreciates the opportunity to bring the whole school together out on the Leon Mulford Educational Trail, which is often off-limits to the students during school hours.
“We don’t get a chance to be all together all the time,” said Carney. “I feel like we should do this once a week.”

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